1. The name of the society is: Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
2. The purpose(s) of the society is (are) to:
- Protect and restore streams, streambeds and riparian zones that foster stream dependent biodiversity. We will do so in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way, giving residents and visitors alike access to a healthy watershed.
- Form collaborative partnerships with private landowners, public agencies, private forestry operations, as well as First Nations, industry and other interested and active groups.
- Recruit, train and coordinate an informed, courteous, safety oriented volunteer group to carry out stewardship principles in our watershed.
- Promote healthy watershed principles to the public, school groups and others.
- Faithfully collect, record and monitor data concerning water quality, flows, invertebrates, fish and other water bound life.
- Share our knowledge equally with all.
As required by the BC Societies Act, in November 2018, the Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society completed the transition to the new Society Act.
SWSS used the Model Bylaws as its basis, with the following additions:
2.7 Membership in the Society will be reviewed by the Board if a member is acting in an unsafe or discourteous manner while carrying out Salmo Watershed Streamkeeper Society duties.
2.8 No member shall claim any political affiliation to be that which is held by the Society.
6.4 It is the duty of the president to ensure non-political representation within the Society.
8.1 In the event the organization dissolves, after it pays all its debts and liabilities, it will distribute or dispose of its remaining property to qualified donees as described in Subsection 149.1(1) of the Income Tax Act.
9.1 The organization will be operated without purpose of gain for its members; and, that any profits and assets of the organization will be used solely to promote its purpose.