The Salmo River watershed is home to a beautiful diversity of species and has a rich cultural heritage. The Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society (SWSS) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization involved in taking care of the “Place Where We Live”. We promote awareness of threatened fish and wildlife in our watershed and beyond, produce scientific studies, monitor our water resources, are involved in wetland and river habitat restoration, offer employment opportunities for youth and others, provide educational material to the public and are advocate for the environment and natural systems conservation.
Notice of Intent: Stream Restoration and Bank Stabilization in the Salmo River
What we do
Over the years, the SWSS have accumulated an impressive amount of data. SWSS have been monitoring the population size of Rainbow and Bull trout for 20 years. These monitoring programs ensure an evidence-based management of our fish population. We have also been monitoring other watershed properties such as water temperature and water discharge for many years.
Many scientific studies have been conducted by the SWSS. These studies allow for a better understanding Salmo River watershed ecosystem and a better management of its resource. We use a very cautious and evidence-based approach for our habitat restoration project and research is definitively a key to our success.

A clean and untouched watershed is something we can all benefit from. Preserving natural features are very effective for providing ecological services. For example, wetlands are important for flood control and water purification. However, the reality is that our Watershed has been heavily impacted by human activities and is not always as Natural as we might think. This is what restoration is about. We try our best to work in conjunction with Nature in order to have a better functioning ecosystem.
Education and Outreach
Sharing our knowledge is a fundamental part of our mission. We are actively involved in our community through different outreach opportunities. We target a wide audience, including children, youth and adults.
Caring for What We Don’t Own
Find out information about SWSS, the Salmo River Watershed, and Streamkeeping, where citizens can learn how to assess the health of their local watersheds. Pages also include our stewardship and awareness activities, provide access to our Reports, and indicates how you can help the Salmo River.
The SWSS envisions a Salmo River that is clean and healthy, that supports a diverse range of species, and enables sustainable economic activity. Please join us!